Our Mission
The primary concern of the TSM Medical College & Hospital, Lucknow is to develop through education and training, compassionate, professionally excellent, ethically sound individuals who will go out as servant-leaders of health teams and healing communities. Their service may be in promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative or palliative aspects of health care, in education or in research.
In the delivery of health care TSMMCH provides a culture of caring while pursuing its commitment to professional excellence. TSMMC is committed to innovation and the adoption of new, appropriate, cost effective, caring technology.
In the area of research, TSMMCH strives to understand God’s purposes and designs, fostering a spirit of enquiry, commitment to truth and high ethical standards. Research may be aimed at gaining knowledge of the fundamental basis of health and disease, at improving interventions or in optimizing the use of resources.
TSMMCH reaffirms its commitment to the promotion of health and wholeness in individuals and communities and its special concern for the disabled, disadvantaged, marginalized and vulnerable.
TSMMC looks for support and participation in its programmes in education, service, outreach and research, from friends and like-minded agencies in India, in a true spirit of partnership.
In its role as a living witness, TSMMC seeks to work in partnership with other institutions.